Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Weekend.

Conference is my favorite. Ocetober Conference is my very favorite. I had work Saturday from 9:30-3:30 which meant I missed both Conferences on Saturday. Lame work schedule. I was in my car on the way home after work, for the last half so I decided to sit in my car in the mountains and listenen to Conference.I love Conference, I love October (as stated above.) I love the sky, the mountains,the fact that I have a radio in the car to listen to Conference. I didn't get to sit and really pay attention like I usually like to do, but it was still a really good Conference. I made a breakfast the last session and sat and enjoyed listening to the talks.

They had a lot of good talks. I love our leaders of the Church. Here are some of my favorite quotes.

"The only protection is in the prophets and following them"
"There is no safer way to approach life then in following the prophet."
"Listen, know, continue in faith."
"In our weakened moments the advisary steals our reassurance."
"With courage go foreward with faith, do what the Lord wants you to do."
"Choose not to be offended and you will become more like Christ."
"Put some issues on the shelf to understand later."
"Do not let issues deter us from what we know to be true."
"When challenges arrive, never leave Christ."
"Faith and character are related. They interact to strengthen us."
"We become what we want to be by constantly being what we want to become."
"Hold tightly, youre making better progress than you realize."
"Missionary service is expected of us."
"As your circumstances allow make yourself available to go on a mission."
"You are individually loved by God."
"You are the reason there is a plan."
"Freedom of choice and time are two things life offers." "True success comes when we consecrate our lives to Gods purpose."
"Slow down, steady the course and focus on the essentials."
"Refocus on what matters most."
"Trust in God enough to find what he wants for you and do it."
"As your power to trust in God grows, his power to trust you grows too."
"How we use our agency will forever determine what we will become."
"The Priesthood will protect you."
"Forgiveness means forgiveness."
"Light drives darkness out of our lives."
"If you will follow the spirit of the Lord you will go right."
"Do not waste the days."
"Do not wait for a future tomorrow to pursue what you must do today."
"Beware of things that will destroy you from the inside out."
In 600 years how will you be remembered?
Before you act, picture the Savior.Would you say it ? Would you do it ?
"Our love for God needs to be reflected in our daily actions."
"Endure to the End we must."
"Show increased kindness. Be found doing the work of the Lord."

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