Monday, December 5, 2011


Well I know youve all been waiting for it (or not waiting )and here it is....

1. A house to live in that is warm 
2. Duke and how he shows unconditional love 
3. My mom who I love very much
4. My flat iron 
5. My car even though its caused a ton of issues
6. Sweet potato fries
7. Music the mood changing and life relating kind
8. My career and how I found something that I love doing
9. The Fs girls who support me and make work enjoyable
10. The Atonement and how it makes everything ok
11. Warm fuzzy blankets especially my new purple one
12. Cameras
13. Toothbrushes and minty toothpaste
14. My tv shows gosh I love them (more then I should)
15. My new ward and the friends Ive made
16. Big bold rings that match my outfits perfectly
17. Rain
18. Friends that never leave
19. Freedom
20. My memory

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